A shed load of ideas…

Since our planning application was rejected, we’ve started questioning other aspects of the plans which were, at least in planning terms, acceptable. A weekend spent with my parents has called into question our thoughts for a new garage.

Garage R1 SS

We had originally proposed to build a new detached single garage between us and next door to match the style of one of the sister houses further down the road.

One controversial alternative, is to bring the new garage forward slightly and to extend the current porch right the way across..

Garage R2 SS

I’m not sure how this would actually look in practice, either from the front or on the side. Also, I’m in 2 minds as to whether having a ‘porch’ in front of a garage is odd..

The third option is to attach the garage to the side of the house, slightly further back and to mirror the porch roof. The thinking being that if ever future planning restrictions were relaxed, we may have the opportunity to build on top.

Garage R3 SS

Think I’ll drop the builders a line to see if we can at least rule any out on cost grounds.

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