Marhshmallow Room Complete! (Almost)

Wednesday was another milestone date for us this week as the new carpet for the front room was being delivered.


I could finally count the remaining list of jobs to do on one hand for the room so that evening immediately set about touching up the walls after my previous masking disaster Thankfully true to form the paint forgave me and with a further touch up early Saturday morning, only the most eagle eyed inspector would ever know anything was ever awry.

Next job to fit the ceiling light and then to move in the furniture.

Moving furniture is another job I find I always underestimate, but at least this job felt motivating. By the end of Saturday we could sit back and admire our handiwork. Suddenly all the woes and frustrations of the decoration seemed a distant memory.

Just the door to plane now and the light switch to replace for a dimmer and the room will be complete. On to the next!

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