Back to the future..

We’d had a few days to contemplate what to do about our 1980’s office room we’d gained. Various options including a complete repaint in the blue, or indeed in an entirely different colour were considered.

Friends and family had been consulted and we’d been met with such responses as “Gosh”. Clearly the grey/white scheme was not a hit.

The thought crossed my mind that actually, the worst part of the room was not infact the grey, but the combination of the grey and white. In for a penny, in for a pound, we thought we’d have a go at painting the whole room skimming stone to see if that improved things.

Before embarking on undoing all our hours spent cutting in and painting around the details, we thought we’d try a single panel in the same colour to see what we thought.

Skimming Stone Test

We both agreed that the uniform colour was an improvement so a couple of hours later, we had an entirely stone skimmed room.

All Skimming Stone

Clearly this was going to need another coat or two, but the room began to feel lifted back out of the 80s and very much into 2014 living. Overall, we felt much more positive and energised about the painting process again. I’m sure that’ll last just until I have to start the woodwork.

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